Optimize Your
Product Display Page
Custom Product Label
Highlight specific features or promotions
Add product or collection specific labels like "trending" or "new" to attract attention and convey important information easily.
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Sticky add to cart and buy now
Boost conversion rates
Seamless navigation and quick purchasing with the sticky add to cart and buy now button. With just a click, customers can effortlessly add items to their cart or make instant purchases, streamlining their shopping journey.
Pincode Checker
Let your users know the estimated delivery date of their order
Enable customers to easily check delivery availability with a pincode checker. After verifying the pincode, customers will promptly see the delivery date.
Increase your conversions now
Coupled With
Increase sales by recommending product that go together
Craft enticing offers for your customers using the 'coupled with' feature. Combine products and customize them whenever you wish.
Size Chart
Add size chart to help your customers find the perfect fit
Give confidence to your customers to purchase by adding a size chart to your product page offering customers clarity and confidence when selecting their size. A size chart is an essential tool for making informed shopping decisions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Create a product FAQ section for your products
The FAQ section is essential and addresses common queries about the products. It offers concise answers to questions frequently asked by customers, providing clarity and guidance.
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Recently Viewed
Explore what you've recently viewed
This allows for easy reference and quick access to items you're interested in, streamlining your shopping experience. Whether you're comparing options or revisiting favorites, this feature keeps your recent selections readily accessible.
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Help your customers navigate the website
Breadcrumbs provide clear navigation paths helping users track their journey and easily navigate back to previous pages.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Installing PDP Star provides you with several useful features, including a sticky "Add to Cart" and "Buy Now" button, a recently viewed items section, and coupled product recommendations. Additionally, it offers product tags, a Pincode checker, product FAQs and a size chart.

After installing PDP Star, your current product page will be enhanced with new features designed to improve functionality and user experience without negatively affecting your existing page layout or performance.

The "Coupled With" section displays related or complementary products alongside the main product on the page enhancing cross-selling opportunities and improving the shopping experience. The Shopify merchant can curate this section through the admin dashboard.

Yes, you can easily add your size chart through the PDP Star app. The app provides a user-friendly interface for uploading ensuring they are displayed clearly on your product pages.

Yes, you can request a free demo before installing the PDP Star app. This allows you to see the features in action and understand how they will enhance your product pages.

Yes absolutely, you can contact us through the contact us form in admin dashboard.